A decade ago, you had to have publishing credits to be considered a writer. Now any Jack or Jane can log into Blogger and claim to be a writer. Are they writers? In my humble opinion, HECK YEAH! Everyone walking the Earth at some point in their life has had the desire to express what they’re feeling or thinking. Anyone who has committed those thoughts or feelings to paper or digital media can claim to be a writer. They may not be a good writer. They make suck harder than an Electrolux. They may choose to write about things that nobody cares about. I have no desire to read about civil service reform. They may freak the average person right the hell out. There is just something creepy about harvesting cobra blood and drinking it in the hopes of gaining super powers. They may be downright rude. I'm talking to you kinkmasterjoe647!! They may be completely delusional. I am sorry but your kids novel involving bullies, cannibalism, and transvestite midget goats will never be a best seller. They are all writers.
This is awesome. I have said this before, in one of my blogs, but let me say it again. An internationally published author and very dear friend of mine told me the difference between a writer and an author is that the author has been published. He also told me, "Writers write, so go home and write something." He was also the first person to tell me and make me believe, that other people would enjoy walking around in my brain.
ReplyDeleteSo...I totally agree...WRITE SOMETHING...you and I and almost everyone is a writer.
<3 <3 <3 this one.
A movie once said Bloggers are taggers. Except their graffiti has punctuation. LOL. Seriously, though, I believe you don't need publication to be a writer. I knew a lot of people in my day that wrote some of the darkest, most beautiful, lightest words you've ever seen, and they did it behind the jail cell bars. They were and are truly writers. As for bloggers, I feel the same. You don't need a degree, a publishing house or an agent to solidify you as a writer. Only what you feel does.
ReplyDeleteTerrific! Love your commentary especially.
ReplyDeleteThank you! This is very encouraging.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a fan of exclusive activities, so I echo your sentiment. Well said.
ReplyDeleteYep, they are all writers, good or bad, and have their own reasons for doing what they do. Just imagine no internet, and no opportunity to transcribe what you feel! Nice post!
ReplyDeleteWhile I'm not sure I agree with your conclusion, Katie, as I have mixed feelings about every Tom, Dick and Harry branding themselves "a writer," I love the way you presented your argument. Very well written. I had a good laugh -- the highest praise in my book.
ReplyDeleteSure I like to think I am 'a writer'. Because I am. And if I waited until I joined the ranks of the 'published' I would then still be concerned about separating myself from those who never should have been! Plenty of Electrolux 'writers' get published.